Part 9: Chapter IX: Dream On, Dream On

Back at the sandflier, Cray is chillin'.

Nina rushes up to Cray and hugs him.

Ryu and Ershin shoot each other a look during the awkward pause, and Cray notices the two of them.

The camera pans to a darkening sky, then back down to the camp.

Ershin looks back to the sandflier, then to Cray.

This is new.

Huh. Did the game glitch out and skip part of the game or something? Where's Ershin? Whatever, I'll roll with this. There's a save book behind us but we need to press forward in this mysterious new locale!

This is the Armor. Physical attacks deal next to no damage, represented by a star next to the damage to show something's blocking most of it.

In this case, the enemy being a giant suit of armor might have something to do with it. Magic, however, still works fine, so go nuts with that.

They're wearing armor now? Clever girl.

Doot doo doo item collection

Oh great. ToxicFlies are annoying little bastards who dodge most of your attacks, are faster than a startled cheetah, and spam Chlorine. Luckily, they have so little health that even Nina's physical attacks can one-shot them.

Also, Armor bodies crack if you whack on them with physical attacks long enough, meaning you can deal normal damage to them but they no longer have the chance to drop their armor drop, which is some type of breastplate or something. Cray, as I mentioned in his profile, is incredibly slow, but if you get hit by him it's gonna hurt, which makes sense as he's using a weapon more suited to caber tossing. A solid hit by Cray can shatter these Armors in one blow, which is exactly what happened in this screenshot.
Moving on...

The group ducks back in the doorway and a set of double doors opens at the other end of the room.

Remember this man. You will want to see him suffer by the end of the game.

Sneaking past the curtain...

The trippy green vortex effect returns, and the screen goes dark.

Oh yeah. Something the game doesn't really talk about very much, but that features in the background material of the game, are Dragon's Eyes. They're sort of like a birth defect, and many legends speak of them, saying that people with them are destined to do great things for good or ill. Usually, people with Dragon's Eyes have two. Ryu only has one, in his right eye, as seen in the picture in the opening post.

Ryu suddenly wakes up, and looks at the group, wondering why they're all staring at him.
A short while later...

Hmm. I wonder...

Wait a second. If that was supposed to be a dream sequence then how...?
There's no big reveal, folks. That really was just a prophetic dream. We, however, still got all the money and items from it. A

So now we can go to a place called Kurok. But first


Booya! We now have all the different kinds of fish we can get from this river.

Rainbow Trout are a very nice addition to our arsenal. They're like Popeye's spinach. Feed one to Cray and stand back.
Alright, let's actually go to Kurok.

Here's a new kind of enemy, the Flue Goo. Its description says it chooses which attack it uses carefully, but that's a dirty lie. It just spams Giant Growth, which is like an attack that hits all three party members in the front at once. Blind them to get more EXP, blah blah blah. Speaking of the front row, now that we have four party members, the best part of combat is now available: the front/back row system.
The back row is basically your reserves, you pick the three people who act in a turn and those who don't act are in the back row, meaning if you don't have at least four people there's no back row. People in the back row regenerate AP at the end of each turn, at a rate governed by their Concentration Points. Ershin has an absurdly high CP rate, but very low AP, making her sort of like a rocket launcher. Fire, stick her in the back row to reload, repeat.
People in the back row cannot be hit by any enemy attack barring one or two dick moves that we won't be seeing for probably 95% of the game. You, however, can target them with anything you like from the front row. So, if somebody's on the verge of death, switch them to the back and have somebody heal them up from the front just to make double sure they don't snuff it.
Let's move on to find the only NPC in Kurok, which is just a cliff area.

We'll say yes, and get a giant block of words in return.

And now we have our first Master! Masters in this game do two things. One, if you do something they want - whether it's Rwolf's combo requirement, or a set number of encounters, or whatever, they'll teach you sweet new moves. The second, and arguably more important, is that tutoring a party member to one changes how they gain stats at level-ups and gives them a constant benefit. Haste, like he said, means that anyone apprenticed to Rwolf gets a boost to their initiative in combat. His stats changes per level - +1 to AP/Wisdom gains, -1 to Attack gains - are very well suited to anybody who wants or needs a boost to their magic, like Nina and Ershin. Rwolf, despite being the first Master, is arguably one of the better ones in the game for how simple yet effective his stat changes are. Let's go get that five hit combo he wants.

Shame. I was hoping for a holy diver

Oh hey, check it out, a new Wakwak! Red Caps use Command to make all their Cap minions attack one specific target.

Like that. Command can be used for your benefit in two ways when you learn it. One, it can command confused characters to attack someone in particular, but this isn't quite as useful in this game due to no Weretigers. Two, it can make dumb enemies (only rock-stupid enemies like generic animals and the like get effected by Command) beat the crap out of whoever you target. Yes, you can command Caps to beat the tar out of their boss. Yes, it's all kinds of hilarious.
One application of Firewind later, and we got ourselves a 7 hit combo. Let's talk to Rwolf!

Sadly, we don't get the ability to summon a short guy who scams enemies out of their pocket money. We do, however, get a Sever knockoff that costs a bit less to use. Ershin will handle this one, so we can start chaining two Firewinds back to back.

That's all we got time for today. Next time, it's off to the dam!